It is estimated that there are currently over one hundred million blogs on the Internet , though not all of them are active , but , nevertheless , and are available for those who read it. Some are filled with amazing exhibits , some with niche writing, poetry , eroticism, photography, business councils up to the most obvious scams and hoaxes . Within this vast array of opportunities Blogs are written by teenagers from all walks of life . With so much already written Blogs , written every day , it may seem difficult for a beginner , especially in adolescence are not used to putting words on paper ( so to speak) , to find their place . The main problem for many is what to write about all that they do, see, experience is normal - for them - and is unlikely to be of interest to anyone else. Blog teenager is likely to disappear in the marsh , and then there is the problem of what to write about first.
Creating a blog is perhaps the easiest part of the whole . Budding writer should just go to one of the many services such as WordPress, create a working e-mail address , select a template and theme that fits their lifestyle , and they are ready . But what to write ?
Absolute classic literature, but it is unlikely to work , many teenagers have probably read or find interesting , Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance . Here , Robert M Pirsig gives advice to a student who is perfect for teenage Blogger. Write about the things around you, about your daily life . Take a city or town that you live in , study it , write about what you find. If it's too much to write about one street, any building within the street . He goes even further with his student , and tells her that , if you write about the building too much writer's block if there is still a lack of ideas and inspiration , and then select one brick from this one building, and write about bricks . Of course, the brick is a metaphor is simply used to illustrate his point of view, and can be replaced by anything else.
The teenage years are a time of change . We are no longer children but not quite adults. We are faced with many problems , but few viable solutions that suit us . Our generation is different from earlier generations ; our parents we are different not only in appearance, but in the long run , the interests and ideals . This conflict , time and intelligence , with a blog , it's a time when we can find other teens are experiencing the same emotions and share with them. A blog can be used to express disappointment as much joy to write little things in life that give us pleasure as much as those irritating . Blog is something that does not judge us , we control and completely alone, and over which we have complete freedom to do as we want. If a teenager Blogger writes about the place in the middle of his or her forehead , their first period , misplaced strike that destroyed a football match , a good looking man or woman there is no one to say that they are not wrong , no one to say that they can not write about such things , or that they could write better. Blog is an open book that welcomes any and all posts .
As a teenager, Blogger, many have not yet formed a set of what they want to do or be in their lives , and a blog is the perfect forum to test ideas , to write from the heart to explore. There is no set answer to the question "What should a teenager Blogger to write about ' , but many variables : write about what you are interested in ; that is interesting to your friends, school , district ; music , concerts, shows , dancing , pets, little sisters . Initially, any topic can be solved , and as much variety as possible included in the blog , with predominant vremenemtema may well form a niche area of real interest . Write about the topics discussed in other blogs , to give his own opinion , to make their own comments.
World of blogging is almost unlimited , as the number of objects that can be written about , and the blog is a world of its own and only one person waiting to be built to be inhabited posts . Write about what interests you, even those fleeting interests , which last barely a moment but did not set any limits .
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